"Humor is a religious remedy by which you can tell yourself: Look how absurd I am. I worry about trifles, I have so many troubles. I am ruining my health. But, in reality, everything is like ashes, like rubbish, and in the end may prove to be worthless."
I am learning to laugh at myself.
On my prior road to perfection I would take myself so seriously, especially if
I showed signs of weakness and when I fell into sin. I would become frustrated,
discouraged and grumpy. Now when I get this way, my spiritual director reminds
me to look in the mirror and give a good belly laugh at my reflection to remind
myself that I need to get off my ego pedestal and look at my situation through
the eyes of faith. Having a sense of humor allows me to see that my everyday
occurrences are really nothing compared to the reality of God and the eternal
life. My crankiness is due to my pride. For example getting upset over whiffing a golf stroke, being
admonished, or losing an argument is absurd when I compare
those incidents to the true meaning of life = loving and serving God. I believe if I can
truly get it into my heart that God loves me as I am, then I will stop trying
to prove myself to others and to myself.
Even though I am a sarcastic person and love to tease others, I don’t find it easy to poke fun at myself. So that is where Bl. Mom comes in…by entrusting myself to her, She can help me see how ridiculous my pride is and how I need to give over my ideas of greatness. She can defend me against Satan’s attacks as he tries to entice me to be sad or mad over my falls. WE can look in the mirror and laugh together.
Here are some reflection quotes from a great section in the book The Gift of Faith that refers to the virtue of humor:
All quotes taken from: Tadeusz Dajczer, The Gift of Faith, 3rd.
ed. (Ft. Collins, CO: IAMF, 2012), 102,103,105.
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