In my last blog I wrote about some lessons I learned at a
Lent retreat. That retreat was full of jewels and I want to share some more of
what led me into Lent this year.
Lent is usually comprised of three things – praying, fasting
and almsgiving. In looking at fasting, the priest gave it a twist I had never
thought of. When we think of denying ourselves the priest suggested we deny
Satan’s access to our souls – especially when he wants to feed me with the lies
that I am not lovable, I am not loved, and I cannot love. This brought tears to
my eyes as I remembered the past in which I believed all of these lies. I was a
senior in college when the “I am not lovable” tortured me so much I went to the
school counselor. I thought I wasn’t lovable because I was immersed in my sins.
The counselor tried to convince me that my sins were nothing – that they
weren’t even sins. This only compounded my unrest and anxiety. I married right
out of college and a few years into my marriage, I remember being convinced “I
am not loved.” Once again I ended up in a counselor’s office. I was focused on
everything that was “wrong” with my husband. Another counselor, but the same
message – my sins were not sins and I just needed to loosen up. Then, when
children came along, I was convinced “I cannot love.” The first time my pride
was challenged through my eldest, after the first “no” to mama, I saw clearly
that parenting was going to be an uphill battle and after reading all the
psychology books, I was left with more anxiety, clinical depression, and an
unhealthy detachment from my children.
It wasn’t until I started back to the Sacrament of
Confession that I learned that, yes, I was immersed in sin, but I was loved no
matter what. I had a Savior who already died for these sins, and with and by
His grace, I could leave these sins behind. It was through my confessor that I
came to know that the Blessed Mother was a real help for me and that Jesus’
dying wish was that I behold Her and that She behold me!
What a turnaround for my life. One by one, my spiritual
director is picking apart the lies that have been binding me to my sins for years.
The worst of all the lies I've come to recognize I bought into so far is that I believed I would only be loved if I
was perfect. I was blind to the amazing presence of my Lord, and Savior. Now, believing in faith and through faith that I am
entrusted to Mary, the lies are losing their power! The focus of my life has
been changing from focusing on myself and feeling a victim of my dear ones, to
seeing God’s action in every moment.
Entrustment to Mary helps me see lies for what they are –
Instead of thinking I’m not lovable, I make a conscious
effort to remember I am in Mary’s arms.
Instead of thinking my dear one doesn’t love me, I ask
myself – what did God want to show me in this event? Remembering that God alone suffices, that He loves me no matter what, that His love is eternal, helps me
accept when others don’t love me as I wish they would.
Instead of thinking I cannot love, I beg my Blessed Mother
to obtain the graces for me to love as I should. “I am the
vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much
fruit, because without me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).
In Mary’s arms, I am glad it is the season of Lent. WE await
what God wants to do with my soul by Easter!
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