I went on a Lent retreat last weekend and would love to
share a couple of the jewels I received. Like the advice given to Scaredy Cat,
focusing on humble means was the theme of the retreat. What are these humble means?
At the retreat we learned about active mortification verses
passive mortification. In Lent, we usually lean toward active mortification.
The “what should I do or not do?” mortification. Should I give up coffee or TV
or Facebook? Should I say a rosary every day or some other pious activity?
Usually, the goal in what I choose is to pick something I can be successful in
doing. But, does this keep my focus on what Jesus Christ did for me on Calvary?
If I am successful in my Lenten practices, do I come to know I need a Savior? Do
I experience the desire to follow Christ to the end because I have been amazed by His tremendous love for me? We were encouraged to
think about this. I was motivated to choose something that I know there is no
way for me to accomplish, so that when I fail, I can remember I need a Savior.
On the other hand, if I succeed in this impossible Lenten sacrifice, I will be convinced that it was only by Grace
that I did!
I want to tell you, Mary, my Mommy, that
I am grateful for everything, even though this gratitude is so meager and
pathetic that it seems to barely exist within me. …
I am grateful for this ongoing interior
war, for the never-ending battle in me between the old man and the new, because
it constantly weakens me so that You may be my strength.
I am grateful for the unceasing
tension. Because of it, when I feel like God, I immediately fall apart, and You
can piece me back together the right way. But this does not last for too long because
this story of my departures and returns never ends. (S.C.
Biela, The Two Pillars, [Ft.Collins, CO: IAMF, 2006], 122.)
Every moment of our lives is permeated
with the Presence that loves and bestows. To live in faith means to be able to see
this loving and constantly bestowing Presence. Because of faith, Christ
gradually becomes a light that shines through a person’s whole life and that
shines through the world. He becomes a living, active presence in the life of
his disciples. Every moment of our lives brings us His presence. Time is the
Presence written with a capital “P.” It is the presence of Christ in our lives.
It is the personal presence of God, revealing Himself as the One who expects
something from us. God reveals Himself to us through His will. But what is His
will? It is always that which is best for us because God is Love. Every
moment of your life is a moment of meeting with the Presence that is loving you. (Tadeusz Dajczer, TheGift of Faith, 3rd. ed. [Ft. Collins, CO: IAMF, 2012], 5-6.)
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