Our Lady and St. Juan Diego

Our Lady and St. Juan Diego

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Entrustment to Mary = Remembering You Are Loved When You Don't Make the Deadline!

Due to travel, lack of internet access and "life", this week's post will be delayed until next week. We are happily "forced" to remember that God loves us as we are, and not how we want to look (timely, organized, spiritual, etc.). Before entrustment, missing a deadline and being as the world would say "imperfect" led to anxiety or feeling like a failure. Now, Mary helps us to see it as our beloved weakness that leads to the honor of living life in her arms. We are not making excuses, we are reveling in the Truth! Praise be to our Awesome God!

Do you get In the Arms of Mary Foundation's Quote of the Day? Because we find it interesting that today's quote preceded the "event":

Are You Similar To A Helpless Sheep?
"The helpless sheep wants to follow Jesus, even though nothing works out well for it and the efforts that it makes do not have results. It believes that the Good Shepherd sees its desire to follow Him, and its effort to advance at least by a few steps. It believes that in the eyes of the Good Shepherd it is not important how much distance it has successfully taken but only the extent and greatness of its desire and effort to be obedient to Him."

S.C. Biela, In The Arms of Mary, 2nd. ed, rev. (Ft.Collins, CO: IAMF, 2005), 74.

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