So how has it gone this year? It just overwhelms
me. I want all the beauty and deliciousness without being in charge. What are
the weeds in my garden helping me to see?
I’m getting a big dose of “the truth” about my spiritual life.

I didn’t want to focus on the fact I had to keep
persevering. Like in my garden, when I pull weeds without getting to the roots, I find
that my spiritual problems resurface over and over again. It just overwhelms
But, thanks to my Entrustment, when I see the same “weeds”
growing up again (for example anxiety over my spiritual laziness) I am reminded
that I am NOT in charge – that I am in Blessed Mother’s arms exactly for this
reason. It is because I wasn’t born with a natural “green thumb” that I was
entrusted to Her care by Jesus Himself.

When I see the mess of my spiritual life, however,
I get to look at it a different way. This situation isn’t mine to fix. Because of my entrustment, I'm learning to allow Blessed Mother to take control! She shows me my weakness and helps me
live in the truth – to see who I am and who God loves. My spiritual mess is an opportunity to
give God the glory for He already redeemed me from it through the blood of His Son, my
Savior, Jesus Christ! My ugly spiritual life helps me continue to desire a deeper communion with
Christ through Mary. Maybe one day my spiritual life won’t look as
bad as today – maybe one day WE (Blessed Mother and me) will get to the root
of my “weeds” … but by then I will know it is only because of Mary’s humility
and perseverance for my soul. Right now, I want to keep my focus on Mary’s faithfulness and to
remain in gratitude for God's amazing love!