Our Lady and St. Juan Diego

Our Lady and St. Juan Diego

Friday, June 14, 2013

Entrustment to Mary = Being Grateful For Spiritual Benefactors

Just when I thought I was getting low on blog material, God graced me with trials at work severe enough to lead me to resigning from my position. Actually, the trials had been simmering for over 3 years, but the crescendo occurred two weeks ago, having me end 15 years of employment this week.

I am grateful for the spirituality of communion of life with Christ through the Blessed Mother for it emphasizes the importance of looking at trials through the eyes of faith, and discovering what God is saying through our every day events. And yes, I discovered quite a bit about myself through the difficulties I had at work.

My boss was my spiritual benefactor. He was God’s instrument to help purify me of my ego and pride. His lack of accolades helped keep my conceit in check. His conflicting personality helped me beg Blessed Mom to carry me through my work day. His suspicious nature helped me see it is only in Jesus I must trust. God also used him as a mirror for me to see my weaknesses, as we shared many– desire for human regard, desire to be understood, and desire to be right – to name a few.

Working so many years in one place was leading me to putting myself up on a pedestal as someone special who was irreplaceable.  As I trained my replacement this week, God helped me see that I am not the special “someone” in the office; that there soon will be another person carrying out the duties  - most likely in a better and more efficient manner.

Do not yearn to be irreplaceable - recognize that you are an 'earthen vessel'. The fact of standing in the truth before God in this way will set you free - then God will become for you the first and the most important. You will always desire to showcase Him, and you will understand that it is not the 'earthen vessel' that is important - but only He who is served by it.
S.C. Biela, In the Arms of Mary, 2nd ed. rev. (Ft. Collins, Co: IAMF, 2005), 146-147)
Excessive attachment to one's job functions is a significant obstacle in striving for sanctity. If ever you do your job with attachment to it and without being disposed to renounce it in favor of others, your sanctification may be made impossible. Ibid, 146.

Being entrusted to the Blessed Mother has brought consolation during this trial, for in her arms WE can accept this transition in my life. With her WE can be grateful for the 15 years of employment and WE can face the new roads of purification and trials God has waiting for me, as He molds me into the saint He knows I can be, with His love and mercy guiding me along the way.

God calls many persons to imitate the hidden life of Mary. Perhaps He is also calling you to this kind of union with her, so that you also may slowly disappear, and that with joy you may give up your place to others, in such a way that nobody may ask about you... Ibid, 133

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