my husband and I had a task to fulfill up in the mountains. We set our alarms
for 6:30 a.m. with the goal of leaving our house at 7:00 a.m. to head off on
our 2.5-hour drive. For the third day in a row, I found myself waking up before
my alarm. I was dismayed to see the clock was 5:45 a.m. When my husband looked
at his clock at 6:00 a.m. I let him know I was awake and asked if we should get
ready. He said, “Let’s do it.” So out the door we were by 6:30 a.m., two night
owls who hate getting up early.
weren’t sure if we’d hit a lot of ski traffic or not. Our plan was to go
directly to our destination as we were meeting someone. However, there was no
traffic. A restroom break was calling my husband just as we were approaching
the town where a priest friend lives. I knew there was a bathroom in the Church
and I had to wonder, would he be offering a Mass this Saturday morning? I
couldn’t remember if he usually said it at 8 or 8:30 a.m., and we were pulling
into the parking lot at 7:50. As we
entered the Church we noticed the candles were lit on the altar and there was a
man sitting in the front pew. I quickly asked him if there was going to be Holy
Mass. He said, “Yes.” Yes!!
was so much joy in my heart to think we could 1) surprise our friend by being
in the Church when he walked out for the Mass and 2) WE WERE GOING TO RECEIVE
THE EUCHARIST on a day that I anticipated we weren’t going to be able to.
Taking my joy one step further, our priest friend came out and in response to
seeing us in the pew said he would offer the Holy Mass for our intentions! Treat beyond treat!
our drive before our stop, I was sharing with my husband that I believe
discerning God’s will is often more of a disposition of the heart rather than the
worry if I am doing the right or wrong thing. For me, God’s will is to remember
that Jesus entrusted me to His Blessed Mother. In all that I do or say, I am to
remember that She holds me and will hold me all the way to Heaven. When I
received Jesus in the Holy Eucharist this morning, I believed that it was only
thanks to this entrustment that I was in that Church at the right time. Gratitude
for this gift filled my heart and I was overwhelmed with the awareness of God’s
unique love for me and my husband.
could have been a day complaining that I woke up too early, turned into a day
where I found Love!
From the depth of your misery, call upon the Blessed Mother:

Once you pray in this way, Mary will lift you up into her arms
and, even if you still remain heavy and resistant like a brick, she will carry you
where the Holy Spirit wants to lead you. She is the one who is fully sensitive to
the subtlest promptings of the Spirit. She is the one who is always obedient to
Him. (S.C. Biela, Open Wide the Door to Christ, [Ft.Collins, CO:
IAMF, 2005], 146.)