I come from a line with bad eyesight. I’ve needed corrective
lenses since I was in grade school and all of my children have followed
suit. I just removed my glasses from my
face and the computer screen, only two feet away, turned into a fuzzy blur of
colors. To put it into perspective, I zoomed my page to 500% and, while I could
then make out where a word starts and stops at that zoom, each letter was still
blurry and individual letters were not sharp enough to know for sure which
letter it was.
Needless to say, I am extremely grateful for my glasses!
Without them, I would live in a world of grayness, I would have constant headaches,
and I would miss most of the details of the third dimension!
Not only do I have poor visual eyesight, but I am practically
blind when it comes to my eyes of faith. This is exactly why I am
completely and utterly grateful for my entrustment to Blessed Mother! Before my
entrustment, I spent my days living as if God didn’t even exist. All I could “see” was how I or my dear ones
felt, and how I or my dear ones were affected by our immediate environment. I
then reacted to those events as if I could control them; change them to make us
all feel good again. This led to living in a gray world (full of anxiety), suffering
constant headaches (following my daily bout with tears), and missing most of
the details of the spiritual

How in need I was for so long, yet trying to deal with it
all by myself. I looked like I was a religious person on the outside –
attending Church, reading spiritual books – but I was so unaware of God’s
Presence in my every day, ordinary and extraordinary events. Thanks to Blessed
Mother, my eyes are being opened to His Presence more and more each day. Now,
when I stub my toe on a stool I can’t see in the middle of the night because my
eye glasses are off, I immediately “reach” for my spiritual glasses and say
“Oh, MOM! Be my gratitude for this humiliation!” Together, WE (Blessed Mom and
I) say, “All is grace.”[1]
“If we look at the world through the eyes of faith, we will notice that our
Creator is present in everything, and that this is the presence of Love – our
only authentic reliance.” S.C. Biela, GodAlone Suffices, 3rd. ed. (Ft. Collins, CO: IAMF, 2011), 115.