The day before the season of Advent began, our family was
strolling about Costco, trying to find some flameless, LED candles to use for
our Advent wreath. A moment later, my
husband received an unexpected call from his sibling, with the news that his
father was passing away from this life on earth.
It has not been an ordinary Advent. But our ears have perked up and are
listening more intently to the Word of God. The next morning, the First Sunday
of Advent, the extended family gathered and heard the words of Jesus: “Be
watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.” The following days the Gospel encouraged us
to “be like a wise man who built his house on rock, “ (Mt 7 :21,24 – 27), and
to “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” (Mk 1: 1-8). We were promised “a new heavens and a new
earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3: 8-14).

Although we did not choose it, this is the Advent our Father
has planned for us. Mary did not choose the path God had willed for her, but
she said yes and allowed God to work through her. In this way, our Father hopes
to draw us closer to Himself. This is
the setting in which He wills us to hear His invitation to hope in His
promises, to find joy in the Nativity.
Although this Christmas will be quite different than years past, with
grace and faith, in the arms of Our Blessed Mama, we look to celebrate the true
gift of love that God offers to us by becoming one of us. We can participate in the Eucharistic
celebration and be united with the communion of saints, meeting our Abuelito
(grandfather) around the Table of the Lord.
I pray that this year, in our more vulnerable state, we will
find ourselves hungering more deeply for eternal life. I pray we are more open to the healing God
wishes to bestow upon us, by allowing the events of this particular Advent
season. I see that God loves us each
uniquely. I am seeing more and more my
misery, my real need for the gift of our Redeemer. Little by little, I am more and more grateful for the Christ
Child, as I see my personal Rescuer. I
pray that I might not focus too much on my wounds, my misery, but on the truth
that God wants to heal me of something.
He is seeking me out, with a profound and mysterious love.
“O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.”